A) Form 990-N.
Form 990-N is used by not-for-profit organizations with annual gross receipts under $50,000, and it must be filed electronically.
Most small not-for-profit organizations can use the Form 990-N, except:
- organizations with gross receipts of over $50,000
- churches and their associated supporting organizations
- private foundations
- political organizations
- tuition programs
- government instrumentalities
- group legal service plans
- and other specific organizations
They could change for many reasons some being:
1. if you're not on a lease the rent can go up at any time only
2. if you are on a lease regardless improvements to your home the landlord can raise it every year.
3. if you have a mortgage w a variable APR your mortgage/ housing needs change monthly
4. your goals would change if maybe you wanted to move closer to your job or you got a new job and you need to move closer
5. maybe if you got married or had kids your housing gold would change.
6. maybe you live in not such a nice neighborhood and you'd like to live in a neighborhood less crime your goals would change
not sure if those are the answers you're looking for but there's so many different reasons that your housing needs and goals could change
1) So you don't go over your limit
2) learn how to not spend your money all at one tme
business model is not a factor