The difference between having Hamlet say that life is like “the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune” and having him just say, “Life isn’t very pleasant” is discussed below in detail.
The speech is basically all concerning life and death: "To be or non to be" indicates "To live or non to live" (or "To exist or to dissolve"). Hamlet considers how uncomfortable and suffering human life is, and how death (specifically self-destruction) would be excellent, would it not be for the terrifying possibility of what comes after death.
I once had a border collie. She was so smart. Every morning, I'd open up the front door and she'd run out, pick up the newspaper, and deliver it to my husband at the breakfast table.
Oh, I love Ireland! I visited the west coast six times last year. Have you ever been to Kilmacduagh? It's an old monastery where the winds whip with songs of the deceased who are laid to rest there.
Is that a white rose? Wow! I love them. My grandfather had a massive rose garden, over 200 different species. Every Friday, he'd go out into the garden, clip a dozen, and make my grandmother a bouquet. Does love like that exist anymore?
2. they must not include any
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Ray Kroc was the food critic that pushed McDonald to what it is today. Walt Disney was from a broken home until he created Disney and even today, it is a great billion dollar company. Disney was born in Chicago, so answer A would be incorrect. C would be incorrect also because Walt Disney was raised in poverty rated homes. The answer, one I cannot give you because you should need to complete it yourself, should either be D or B.