Based on the fact which is revealed by a new study, between 1530 and 1780, there were a million or more European Christians who enslaved in North Africa. Unlike Atlantic slave traders, Muslims enslaved individuals from various cultures as well as Africa and other sources like Central Asia, the Balkans, and Mediterranean Europe.
Pirates (called corsairs) from towns along the Barbary Coast in northern Africa—cities like Tunis and Algiers—would attack ships in the Mediterranean and Atlantic, as well as coastal villages to capture men, women, and children.
The effects of this attack were damaging—Britain, France, and Spain each lost thousands of vessels, and the long sections of the coast of Italy and Spain were nearly totally abandoned by their people. At its peak, the annihilation and abandonment of some regions might exceed what would later be caused by European slaves in the interior of Africa.
European slavery did not fit into the overall theme of European world victory and colonialism which was the center of study in the early modern era. Many countries that were victims of slavery-like Spain and France would later defeat and colonize the North African region where its citizens were once slaves. Perhaps because of this history, Western researchers regard Europe mainly as "evil colonialists" and not as victims.
If you’re interested in learning more about this topic, we recommend you to also take a look at the following questions:
• On the Arab world, enslaved people were often?
KEYWORDS : Arab Slavery Trade, Enslaved People, Enslaved Europeans, Slavery in Arab World
Subject : English
Class : 10-12
Sub-Chapter : Slavery in Arab World