Answer: They are monitoring the work of police officers.
The Black Panther Party (BPP) was a political party founded by several students. The party also monitored police officers because there were outbursts known as police brutality. In its program, the party also had social programs such as free meals for socially vulnerable categories. Some party members also took part in criminal activities and came on several occasions from exchanging fire with police officers. Due to such outbursts, a law was passed banning the carrying of loaded firearms. Some political officials have pointed out that the organization's existence poses a threat to internal security. The organization existed from 1966 to 1982
The early political party that favored strong state governments, looked to Thomas Jefferson as its leader, opposed Hamilton's plan and favored the interests of farmers over big business was the Republicans.
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Lincoln delivered the address on November 19, 1863. He was in Gettysburg to dedicate a national military cemetery to the Union soldiers who fell at the Battle of Gettysburg four months earlier. The North's victory here was one of the pivotal battles of the American Civil War.
Everyone has a stake in the public policies enacted by federal, state, and local governments. Many citizens and groups try to influence public policy through the political process by supporting candidates and political parties. That's a good way to make a positive impact, but not the best way.