Awww iḿ sorry abt that i´m sure u gonna find someone
I didn’t know what kind of art you wanted so I just doodle you but if you don’t like it I’ll try again! :)
Answer: its pretty much voluntary the second a piece is created. But you can register with the US copy right office for the legal purposes.
"how buyers will cut back or increase their demand when price rises or falls"
Hence the word elasticity.
Demand is defined by the number of people who buy your product during a certain period of time. It fluctuates greatly.
Cheaper prices will usually bring a lot more demand to a product, and increasing prices lowers demand. Businesses usually raise or lower prices depending on how much supply they have.
Hopefully this helps, I took business entrepreneurship this year in High School so we learned all about supply and demand.
How are you so good at picrew?!
Your too good at it.