Early Mesoamerican cultures were based around b. agriculture.
Declaration of Independence
, then Articles of Confederation
, then the United States Constitution
, and finally, the Bill of Rights :'D
With the Korean war ending in a stalemate, the United States would effectively strengthen ties with South Korea. In doing so the United States had implemented military force in South Korea. Now, our relationship remains to be very beneficial as the U.S gains a trade partner as well as a military ally while the Koreans gain a strong military ally with good trading imports.
They helped guard against the possibility of strikes that would slow wartime production.
The big difference is that today's judgments have a legal rite. People should be judged with dignity, which was not always the case at that time, and condemnation must be evidence-based, which was not always respected either.
Another difference is that today there is no judgment based on supernatural situations, as was the case of the Witches of Salem. For a judgment made under the aegis of democracy, crime must have motives that can be substantiated. Finally, people who are tried today have a broad right of defense, which was not the case in the Middle Ages.