Los mitos enseñan una lección o explican el mundo natural.
Los mitos tienen muchos dioses y diosas. Los dioses y diosas son sobrehumanos.
Los dioses y diosas a menudo aparecen disfrazados.
El bien es recompensado y el mal es castigado.
Los mitos pueden ser violentos.
Los mitos contienen magia
(No estoy segura si esto ayudó jajajaja)
D. African slaves in the American colonies
Both movements had lasting impacts on the colonies
to conserve the scenery, natural and historic objects and wildlife within the parks and to “provide for the enjoyment of the same in such manner and by such means as will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations.
Martin Luther - He complained that the pope was the main mediatopr of God’s will rather than the book of scriptures, and that he nailed to the entryway of the Wittenberg church; the act that begun the Reformation.
John Calvin - Calvin complains that rather than instructing and pursuing holiness, the authority within the Roman church exercises “a most brutal tyranny” over the souls of the individuals of God, claiming powers and authority not given to them by God.
Please correct any mistakes in my answer!! I'd be happy to fix it!! :)