Answer: No answer.
For this question since it’s in history, I advise you to look up Britannica because it helps you on learning about this certain question. My opinion.
The Philip II wanted to a standing army and he found it necessary to raise their taxes.
What is the * mean at the end of the sentence?
I think precious metals and jewels like gold and diamond.
'A' is correct, with no qualifications.
'B' is correct, although the concept of "wandering" is far off base.
'C' is not true at all.
'D' is very weak, mostly on account of the nebulous concept of "worship".
There WAS no temple in Jerusalem, but there was plenty of worship, from
the time of the Exodus until the reign of Solomon. And then, although offerings
and "sacrifices" were brought to the Temple, and the entire population pilgrimaged
to the Temple on three occasions during the year, it's misleading to imply that no
Hebrew worship took place anywhere else.