<span>They both wanted to become a light weight boxing champion of the world.
A is the answer to ur question
i cant read cursives or i would help u
Make a normal letter starting off with your address, date, name, company you are writing the complaint to, and the location of that company. then start off by saying dear "person". You also want to say "Re: Steam Iron" because you are replying about that.
make a paragraph or a few paragraphs about what is wrong with what you ordered.
end your letter by saying something like "Sincerely (Customer)"
| Your Name |
| Company you ordered from |
| Address from the company |
| Address from the company |
Dear, "Person"
Re: Steam Iron
|Complaint paragraph #1|
|Complaint paragraph #2|
|Complaint paragraph #3|
I think the answer is the first one because a tyrant would not listen to his people at all.