To explain that the school drills were a (clumsy) attempt to channel the growing insecurity and fear among people in the US. They pretended that an atomic attack could be handled in the same way as a fire or an accident,
The DUCK&COVER school drills were part of a Federal Civil Defense Administration (FCDA) program (early 50s) that was aiming to educate the public about what ordinary people could do to protect themselves. Many people were intelligent enough to realise that ducking under your table wouldn´t save you from nuclear radiation,
Dr. Strangelove by Kubrick is an interesting movie about the Cold War
1) Monarch, 2) Lords, 3) Vassals, 4) Peasants.
The Monarch typically either held the most power, or was at least the figurehead of the society. This places them on the pinnacle of power.
The Lords swore allegiance to the Monarch, and with collectiveness, typically would receive some sort of protection under the Monarch umbrella. In return, they would have to send soldiers to help fight the Monarch's battles, as well as supply certain materials, depending on what they produce and what the Monarch's need.
The Vassals are such like Lords, in which they had small amount of land and infrastructure, and, as such in a lesser scale, would receive accommodations from Lords in exchange for their allegiance to the Lords.
Peasants are the most numerous and also ranked at the base of the pyramid, and typically was made up of farmers. These hold very little power, and sometimes were also attached to the land that they live and work on.
Of course, this pyramid does not include all classes, and the over-arching titles that can be used for multiple groups is not sufficient enough to place certain groups within these titles in the correct areas. Also, it is important to note that there may be differentiations from a hierarchy to another, but the over-all model is relatively the same.
The answer to your problem must be False
c. contributed to poverty and should be banned.
The Progressives which were fully in existence from 1897 to 1920 had many beliefs on how a society can function very well.
Aside from. having belief in the reliance on science and technology to improve society, they also believed that alcohol consumption "contributed to poverty and should be banned." There is also the bike that alcohol consumption causes violence and eventually death