Read The Ins and Outs of Bellybutton Lint, by Joel Guthrie. Write a one-paragraph summary in the text box that follows the artic
le. The Ins and Outs of Bellybutton Lint, by Joel Guthrie
Some scientists gaze into outer space to look for answers. Some scientists seek answers in the depths of the sea. When Georg Steinhauser wanted answers, he looked within himself. Well, he looked within his bellybutton to be exact. The Austrian chemist spent three years researching the contents of his navel and the navels of others. He has solved one of life's greatest mysteries. We now know exactly what bellybutton lint contains! Steinhauser presented his findings in the online version of the journal Medical Hypotheses. The Vienna University scientist analyzed over 500 samples to determine the exact makeup of the lint. As suspected, most of the lint was made up of cotton from clothing. The fabric pieces are not alone, though. Steinhauser found that the average bellybutton also contained pieces of dead skin, sweat, dust, and fat. Steinhauser's notes also explained how lint accumulates. Stomach hairs tend to grow in a circular pattern around the bellybutton. The hairs act like small hooks, capturing and holding contents within. Shaving stomach hair can lead to a lint-free bellybutton, but don't act too hastily. Although the contents of your navel may be a nuisance, research suggests that lint has a purpose. It is nature's way of protecting your bellybutton from germs and unwanted objects.
Scientists have often wondered what bellybutton lint is made up of. An Austrain chemist named Georg Steinhauser decided to find out, and since he had a belly button, he searched himself! He examined over 500 pieces to see what the lint has occupied. He found that it has cotton from clothes, AND dead skin, sweat, basically the stuff our body resists and extracts. Goerg Steinhauser found all this out within a teeny tiny part of your stomach.
The answer is C, "A clown at the fair with pink hair gave me a balloon." The phrase "with pink hair" should be switched to make the sentence "A clown with pink hair at the fair gave me a balloon," so it can properly modify "a clown".