The White Man's Burden is a poem by Rudyard Kipling. Although the poem has deeper meanings, a direct reading was popularized from the dominant points of view at the time, justifying as a noble enterprise, an ungrateful and altruistic obligatio, the domain of " white man" on those defined as "inferior races".
Apparently, in a superficial reading, the subject is a rhetorical mandate to the white man to colonize the other races for the benefit of them, being their "burden" both the task and the people themselves to colonize. Because of this issue, as well as the resounding title, it soon became an emblem of colonial rule and white supremacists.
Nestorian Christians condemned to be heretics
Nestorian Christians condemned to be heretics
d. nuclear
the correlates of war data categorize in to four categories depends
interstate war = this war happens between well known and recognized states
intrastate war= this war happens within the territory of the recognized state
Non-State Wars: Between or among non-state entities.
extra state war= it is the war of the group or member of the state with the group of other state which is not considered to be part of inter state system
-Running for office
-Taking place in civic meetings
Take your pick
Honor is defined as a intangible asset that determines how other treat you
It still exists till today and it’s a very easy thing to lose, like all things, it’s hard to get back
I’d define it as a useless thing that should be discarded before people kill each other (more than they already do)