Personally, I love both drawing and perspective. So I <em>may</em> be able to help.
I think what your trying to convey here is that your bedroom drawings look dull and flat. I will do my best to assist you!
My favorite way to make anything pop is to add <em>perspective</em>, and you mention the fact that you find perspective hard to grasp.
<em>(lxnk not provided due to the increase in lxnk bots, i dont wanna get my account deleted so just search up on yxutxbe "how to draw perspective" and cIick the one that appeals to you the most"</em>
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When I was a beginner artist, this vidxo definitely helped me a lot and I recommend you check it out. It mentions certain topics that I personally found really hard to grasp, and this video made me feel more confident about the subject.
Hope this helps! c:
They wore iron helmets, chain mail armour, and carried swords, axes, spears and wooden shields. Vikings were also skilled with bows and arrows. The weapons were made with iron, and often decorated with inlaid, or encrusted silver or copper. ... A Viking's weapons were usually buried with him when he died.
awwww they are soooo beautiful, guuurrrl u got some talent