East Asia, a Pacific Ocean island group.
This disease constitutes a health problem of great importance in much of the tropical and subtropical countries. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States estimates that 300 to 500 million cases of malaria occur each year. More than 1 million people die from this disease. Malaria is a much higher disease risk for travelers in hot climates, for example, in the United States, about 1500 cases of malaria are diagnosed each year. The vast majority of cases correspond to travelers and immigrants returning from places in the world where there is malaria transmission, such as Africa and South Asia. Because this disease causes so many cases of illness and death, malaria causes great losses to the difficulties of many countries. Because many countries with malaria are among the poorest nations, the disease maintains a vicious cycle of poverty and disease.
Disrupt means, to interrupt by causing a disturbance or problem.
South asia is th southern part of asia
The correct answer is - industry.
The developing countries are most often occupied with making the economies heavily focused on the industry, so the countries engage into a big industrialization process.
The industries are usually based around manufacturing of the natural resources that the country has, and most often those are the metal ores, the agricultural products, creating materials...
The developing countries usually have a relatively big economic growth, and that is due to the bad economic basis that they had as a starting point.