McKay personifies America as a woman who feeds him "bread and bitterness" and who sinks her "tiger's tooth" into his throat. By using the pronouns she and her to refer to America, McKay turns the concept of a country into a person who can cause the narrator harm even while he loves her. The effect of this personification turns the relationship between the narrator and his country into a more personal relationship, full of the conflicting emotions that come along with loving a person.
Exponents indicate a number times itself x number of times. (n^x)
There are a total of 8 fours. So -4 times a non-negative 4 times itself 7 times = -4*4^7.
As the angle of incidence increases, the angle of refraction also increases proportionally to the increase of incidence. plz brainliest!
Coyote and the Buffalo is a Native American Legend that explains why there is no buffalo in Swah-netk'-qhu.
The story begins by telling how Coyote was to blame for the absence of buffalo in Swah-netk'-qhu country.
Coyote had always been afraid of Buffalo Bull, and while he was walking over the plains beyond the big mountains, he found the skull of his great enemy and decided to make fun of him. He threw it into the air, kicked it and spat on it, and it went on his way.
After that, Buffalo Bull came back to life and wanted to kill Coyote. But they reached an agreement, where Coyote would make him new horns so that Buffalo Bull could take revenge on Young Buffalo for killing him and keeping his herd, his former wives and their children.
Coyote makes magnificent horns for Buffalo Bull, who manages to kill Young Buffalo and recover what was his. He was so grateful that he decided to give Coyote a cow, with which he would be able to feed himself all his life, but he was forbidden to kill her.
He said <em>“When you get hungry, just slice off some choice fat with a flint knife. Then rub ashes on the wound and the cut will heal at once. ”</em>, But after a while Coyote got tired of always eating the same parts and killed the cow.
When he ran out of food he decided to see Buffalo Bull again to ask for a new cow, and when he arrived he was surprised to see the cow he killed was alive! But she refused to return with him, and Buffalo Bull did not want to give him another. That is the reason why Coyote's vanity, made him return without any buffalo home.
“Antonyms” are defined as words that have the opposite meaning to another words.
Using the words listed in this exercise, these are the following antonyms proposed:
First means arriving before any other people while Last, its antonym, means arriving or doing something after everybody else has done it.
Bad refers to an unpleasant behavior while Good, its antonym, refers to a pleasant, acceptable and exemplary behavior.
Rude refers to someone who is disrespectful or to something that is offensive. The Antonym is Polite which means to behave in a way socially correct and accepted.
To remember means being able to bring back information which is in your mind or memory. The antonym of this word is “to forget” which means being unable to bring that piece of information back from your memory.
Glad refers to the feeling being happy or pleased. The antonym is Upset which refers to the feeling of being unhappy or angry.
Cry occurs when we produce tears from your eyes as a result of a strong feeling such as pain or anger. The antonym of this word could be Laugh which occurs when we produce a smile while making sound with our voice and showing that something is funny or that we are happy.
Young refers to somebody who has lived or existed for a short period of time. The antonym of this word is Old. Old refers to somebody who has lived for many years.
Finally, Free refers to something or somebody that has no limits or is not constrained. The opposite meaning could be Confined which refers to something or somebody that is unable to do certain things or is kept closed in a place.