It’s bouttt the money moneyyy
You could take of your clothes long as we going homeeeee
logos is using logic so it could be that, and ethos is using a character or tries to convince you of its credibility so that is another option. Decide if their trying to appeal to credibility or if the statistic is more important.
In the book "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker the narrator reveals that Maggie has low self esteem and has been disfigured. The narrator, who is Maggie's mother, feels that Maggie will be the caretaker of the family's heritage.
The answer are the major characteristics of Modernism in Literature.
Modern literature has a strong and international break with tradition against established religious, political, social views with no connection with history or institution and no things as absolute truth-all are relative with all individualists making their own meaning in the world.
By examining the characteristics of Modern literature from the perspective of these Crane's "The bride comes to yellow Sky,"Yeats' "Second Coming," Frost's "Death of a Hired Man, " or Green's "The Destructors, indicated the following characteristics form of modern literature...
1) Literature exhibits perspectives - meaning which comes from the individuals perspective
2) Interiority is represented - meaning inner psychology, stream of consciousness
3) Perception of language change - meaning language is "thick" with multiple meanings
4) Emphasis on the experimental - meanig its open ending, note of pessimism, disillusionment and melancholy in writing, sense of fragmentation and loss of faith, use of symbol and scientific methodology, reflection of the modern chaos and confusion, the decay of plot and characters in writing, passion for humanity and humanitarianism.
n Forbidden Clothes by Jamila Gavin we have the theme of freedom, obedience, conflict, identity, tradition, culture, rebellion, respect, friendship and acceptance. Narrated in the third person by an unnamed narrator the reader realises after reading the story that Gavin may be exploring the theme of freedom. Nasreen feels free when she is with Louise. She is able to dress as she likes and to wear make-up. Something that she is not allowed to do in your own community. She is bound or hindered by tradition yet she wants to rebel against it when she can. In order to feel like a young teenager who has the world at their feet. Instead Nasreen is culturally stifled by her parents and her community. Knowing that by the age of sixteen she will be forced to marry a man that she has never met before and who will expect her to be an obedient housewife. If anything there is a real conflict in Nasreen’s life and she feels guilty about how she is acting. The reader aware that Nasreen feels uncomfortable going against her parents’ wishes. This may be important as despite her rebellion against her community. Nasreen still respects her parents’ traditions and faith.