Northern lawmakers were hesitant to go to war with Mexico because in the North people began to question the system as they increasingly viewed it as immoral and believed that it was wrong for person to enslave another. By starting a war with Mexico, they believe that the new territories would create more slave states and perpetuate the system further. Aside from that, President James Polk also wanted to acquire the territories of California, New Mexico and Oregon. Eventually war broke out when American troops to the Rio Grande and Nueces River regard as disputed territories.
The first major farming group to promote better conditions
The Grange was a movement that had its goals o the improvement of the conditions for the farmers. This movement was educating the farming families, making them familiar with the new ideas and technologies, as well as having multiple different social programs. Weirdly enough, this movement was also with a religious background, so the religion played a crucial part in its activities. The Grange was formed in 1860 and was very popular until 1880, but larger organization later out-competed it and it lost lot of its members. The movement is still active nowadays though, with small but loyal membership.
Served 4 terms as president is wrong he served 2 terms.
The first known settlements in ancient India were in the Indus River valley. There were farming communities in this valley as early as 6500 B.C.E. By 5000 B.C.E., people also lived near the Ganges River. By 2500 B.C.E., there were walled settlements in the Indus River valley.