Raphael in the morning. Every Sunday my father the car. My sister has to dishes. I go to an elegant dress.
The top paragraph roughly states: “In Spain and in many Latin American countries, cycling is more than a sport- it is a passion. In Colombia, for example, every year more than sixty cyclists participate in a race, the Vuelta a Colombia, which lasts for several days. The winner is a national hero and receives lots of money and gifts.
Esto ya es una fracción. Representa tener 2 piezas de 5 posibles.
Si, por casualidad, está buscando la representación decimal de esta fracción, puede convertir fácilmente simplemente dividiendo 5 en 2:
2 dividido por 5 es 0.4
2/5 en forma decimal es
0,4 o 40%
yo- estoy – I am.
tú- estás – you are.
él/ella/usted- está – he/she/you (formal) are.
nosotros/as- estamos – we are.
vosotros/as -estáis – you (plural) are.
ustedes/ellos/ellas- están – you (plural) are.