One way that differed was that Africans were often sold by other Africans.
I hope this helps
Pro slavery advocates believed slave owners had a right to transport slaves into the territories; antislavery advocates argued that this gave slave holding settlers an unfair advantage over non-slave holding settlers.
Pro slavery advocates argued that the slave status of Kansas should be determined by popular vote; antislavery advocates argued that Kansas should be free because of its location north of the 36° 30' parallel.
Pro slavery advocates contended that free African Americans in Kansas should not be permitted rights under the state constitution; antislavery advocates argued that the federal constitution took precedence over Kansas’s state constitution.
Pro slavery advocates held that slavery in the state was legal, as established in the Missouri Compromise of 1820; antislavery advocates argued that this legislation was invalidated by the Supreme Court’s ruling on the Dred Scott case.
En la Edad Media, el mundo musulmán se extendía desde la India hasta España, pasando por Jerusalén y Tierra Santa. Para judíos, cristianos y musulmanes, Jerusalén era y sigue siendo una ciudad santa. De hecho, para los cristianos medievales era el centro de su mundo espiritual y geográficamente según sus mapas.
I personally believe it is A) the English.
If I were President, I would establish my plan with different congresspeople from both parties to gain their support and not lose the honor of the congress. The reason being that Johnson attempted to implement reconstruction in his own way against the will of the congress, believing that he would be able to finish it all and position southern congressmen before the congress came out of recess and back into action, which was his mistake, because as soon as the congress came back into session, he was defeated. I would compromise and assure them of my support while attempting to gain legislative approval.
This is my opinion only so please feel free to alter as you see fit.