If I were George Washington, and I saw the corporal refuse to help his men, I’d be filled with such rage and sadness. It would overcome my ability to stay put. The amount of disappointment I’d feel in those moments would nearly rip my heart out my chest. The corporals refusal to help his men had mentally abused me in every way. I am no longer George Washington, but a victim of mental abuse. It is within my reach and my power to overcome said abuse, but in all reality, am I ready to? Am I ready to overstep the lines and overcome the inability to feel happiness? Am I ready to step out of my comfort zone and step up for myself? I’m not sure. At this point, I do not control my life. I am nothing but a character in your story book. It is ultimately your decision wether you would like to keep reading or not. Ever since corporal has refused to help his men, my anger has filled skies, my tears have filled empty oceans, and my fear has brought back the dead. Viewing my life in an outsiders perspective, I see how much of a monster I’ve become. I’m watching my life fall apart right before my eyes. Me, being silly old George Washington, cannot do anything about it. My life is crumbling before my very eyes without a singular blink. Although, you may think I am overreacting, I am not. Everyday decisions impact everyday decisions. Watching corporal refuse to help his men, just proved my very point. There is no justice in this cruel world. All we can find is pain, misery, and ache. All we feel is sadness, disappointment, and anger.
If I were George Washington, and I saw the corporal refuse to help his men, I’d be filled with such rage and sadness.
-Hannah (fake name)
Have a good day!
Tze-Yo-Tzuh allows the Monkey to fly all the way to the five pillars of gold. The Monkey went "past the edges of the universe" and "through the boundaries of reality itself". When the Monkey reached the five pillars of gold, he labeled one of the pillars with "The Great Sage Equal of Heaven was here". He then pees on the pillar.
When the Monkey went back, Tze-Yo-Tzuh showed him the pee and the tag on his left hand, proving he has " all of existence forever within the reach of his hand.
option 1 is an opinion because it is not a fact. Option 2 is a fact therefore option 1 ( we would be lost with out English) is an opinion
she ends up bring horrible things upon the world (Old age, war, sickness and death are a few little known things lol) but she also brings hope to the world as well wen she opens the box a second time.
B. The infinitive to apologize functions as the subject of the sentence.
An infinitive in English grammar is the basic form of a verb that usually has the word "to" before the verb and can be used to modify a noun or pronoun in a sentence and it can also act as a subject or object of a sentence.
Therefore, from the given sentence, the infinitive "to apologise" is used in the sentence as the subject of the sentence.