<span>She states that the founding documents confer rights on all people, including women, and therefore women are entitled to vote.</span>
she got turned into a spider by Athena for being awesome
Arachne was a weaver and a really good one. At some point, she started getting audiences that would watch her weave. We don't really know how Athena got into this, maybe she was called, maybe she saw Arachne being awesome, but we know that Arachne was proud enough that she wasn't going to give the credit of her amazing weaving to Athena. Athena comes down and basically issues a challenge to see who's the better weaver. Arachne and Athena go to work, and when they're done, Arachne's piece ridicules the gods, saying how stup!d they were, and how amazing nature was in comparison, Athena's work praised them and said how awesome industrialism and architecture was. Some stories say Arachne won, some say Athena did, and some say it was a tie, but they all say that Arachne made a vital error, she insulted Athena, and by this time, Athena was having enough with this Arachne. So she beat her up, and hit her with the weaving thingy, and then turned her into a spider, so she could weave forever. Nice story right? So the moral? Don't be vain? Don't stand up to gods? Be nice to people with more power than you? Remember your place maybe? I don't know, you decide.
This is my opinion.
Let us start by saying, that in the course of the development of human society there were a lot of factors that influenced it and caused dramatic changes.
Among these factors there is one that deserves special attention: religion. Points of view concerning religion are the most controversial that can be imagined and religion is always in the center of heated argument. Religion is a paradox, because it is opposite to science, but still, it does not disappear with the development of science.
First of all, the influence of religion on society should be studied on a large scale – historical scale. Since times immemorial religion has occupied a considerable place in human soul. It is characteristic for a human being to be scared by everything he does not understand, and that was the case with ancient people.
Religion was the source of information for them; they got the answers they needed from shamans and as the results of different religious ceremonies and interpretation of “signs” sent by gods. In this case such strong impact of religion may be explained by lack of scientific knowledge.
If we move further by a historical scale, we should mention the impact of religion in medieval society, where it was predominantly negative. At that time religion caused a number of serious problems that may even be called catastrophes: Crusades, which took lives of hundreds of people, the Inquisition that murdered and deceived even more people may be given as the examples of destructive influence of religion on society.
Can you provide the text?