The answer is B increased trade with others because when they traded with others they made money to make more houses and kept on selling crops that people wanted make a lot of money to build cities and buildings.
Lincoln waited to unveil the proclamation until he could do so on the heels of a Union military success
Massive class inequality. Nobles and Clergymen were, in the French citizen's eyes, wasting money to fuel their lavish life style. They believed the 1% were living off the other 99% and they were right. France had a huge economic downfall after supporting the American Revolution so the citizens thought it unfair that the problem the government caused should be forced on them alone.
They did the cooking, cleaning, and they took care of the children.
he Blitzkrieg was so effective because it was "designed to create disorganization among enemy forces through the use of mobile forces and locally concentrated firepower" . This allowed the Germans to have the upper hand when attacking and often was the reason for their success.