These are all matching questions
1. Sanction. Countries may place restrictions between each other if they can not come to an agreement that benefits both.
2. Embargo. Example- The U.S. and Cuba have had an embargo. Neither country will trade with the other.
3. Quota. This allows only a certain amount of a product to come into a place. This may be a good thing if a substance is illegal or if the substance or product could somehow be used for the wrong reasons.
4. Subsidy. Sometimes the government will help farmer's by giving them money to plant certain crops. This helps both the economy and the farmer.
5. (Protective)Tariff
6. Boycott. People could boycott a store, if they do not agree with company's beliefs. An example would be Target allowing Transgenders into women's restrooms.
Answer: Convective
Convective Lifting is arguably the most common form of lifting and involves the heating of the Earth's surface such that surface water gets evapotranspirated from the ground and plants.
As the clouds rise, they encounter cooler temperatures and thus cool down and condense into clouds. Higher temperatures mean higher convection.
The Amazon lies on the Equator which receives the most direct sunlight so the surface gets heated a lot. Water therefore collects faster and condenses more over the Amazon which leads to more precipitation over the Rainforest.
Afghanistan has the largest Muslim population on earth.
each other I would assume is the last words to fill in the blank
Examples of statement include
The English putting Native Americans in reserves to reform them since they believe the Natives beliefs and religion was absurd.
African tribes wars lead to capturartion and enslavement of each other.
Brazil has the most area of tropical rainforests