Jobs focused on providing services are part of the tertiary economic sector.
There are four economic sectors based on the activities that are performed by the people. The primary economic sector, secondary economic sector, tertiary economic sector, and quaternary economic sector are the four economic sectors, all of which have their own unique characterisitcs. The tertiary economic sector is characterized by providing services.
ng serIn this economic sector, the jobs focus on providing services for the customers, and this is a sector that tends to be dominant in the countries that are well developed or the countries that have no other choices than to get engaged in it in order to have income. The well-developed countries are dominated by this sector because in the primary and secondary ones they don't need much labor force because of the advancements in technology, plus this sector is highly profitable. The countries that depend almost exclusively on tourism for income, like the big portion of the island nations at and around the tropics, have almost all of their labor force engaged in tourismm thus providing services for the tourist.
Trade winds have a significant effect upon the climate of Central America. Temperatures in Central America are highest just prior to the summer wet season, and are lowest during the winter dry season, when trade winds contribute to a cooler climate. The highest temperatures occur in April, due to higher levels of sunlight, lower cloud cover and a decrease in trade winds
Explanation:El mapa se llama AutaGraph y su autor se inspiró en origami, la milenaria técnica japonesa de plegado de papel.
They may be Fault Lines or boundaries of Continental Plates.