Many farmers use chemical herbicides to kill weeds and
insecticides to kill insects. Using genetic engineering, scientists
have developed ways to resist harmful crop pests. In this Gizmo,
you will use genetic engineering techniques to create genetically
modified corn.
Many farmers use chemical herbicides to kill weeds and
insecticides to kill insects. Using genetic engineering, scientists
have developed ways to resist harmful crop pests. In this Gizmo,
you will use genetic engineering techniques to create genetically
modified corn.
Each cell expresses, or turns on, only a fraction of its genes. The rest of the genes are repressed, or turned off.
The turned on genes are then first transcribed into messenger RNA by the process of Transcription.
Then the mRNA is Translated into protein by the process called Translation.
This is how the specific genes are expressed.
Like a lot of lizards, leopard geckos can drop their tails. They do this to distract the predator that might be trying to eat them. Their tails keep moving for a short duration of time after it detaches. It is a defensive mechanism that distracts the predator long enough so they can run into a hide.