April 12th, 1861 - May 9, 1865
They suffered from being exposed to new diseases and loss of traditions as well got their land stolen by “new” americans.
I don't understand what your saying.
I don't understand what you mean.
Rule by a few called an aristocracy, Rule by many called a democracy, rule by many called a polity.
Aristotles believed that the best form of government was a combination of the best aspects of Democracy and Aristocracy, that form would be similar to the Polity.
The rule by one is called a Monarchy, and its negative form is Tyranny.
The rule by a few is called Aristocracy, were the best and wisest are in charge of government. The negative form is called oligarchy. In an oligarchy, a few rule but not in the interest of the common good.
The rule of many is a Polity, and its negative form is a Democracy. Aristotle believed that allowing the direct participation of everyone in a society (Greek democracy was direct) made a city impossible to rule.