1928. <span>As the Democratic Party presidential nominee in the </span>1928<span> election, Smith in turn asked Roosevelt to run for governor in the state election.</span>
Did you ever find the answer to this because i am stuck on it
<span>In April of 1789 the ink on the recently ratified Constitution was barely dry when George Washington began the trek from his Mount Vernon plantation to the national capital at New York. The public reverence usually accorded to royalty was on display throughout the weeklong trip, including a laurel crown lowered from an arch of triumph in Philadelphia, rose petals cast in Washington’s path by white-robed girls at Trenton, and a specially composed ode sung by a chorus of sailors in New York harbor to the tune of “God Save the King.” It was a rather courtly way to launch a republic.</span>
Declaration of Independence
D. Ruled a kingdom including most of modern-day France, the Low Countries and western germany.
Shortly after the fall of the roman empire, which was not actually a complete fall cause the system of govern was still working in constantinopla.
Nontheless problems with the succession of power shortly after the king die diveded the Merovingian dinasty and created problems.
They were the one that introduced Christianity to western Europe when the king baptized to obtain recogniton from the Catholic Church.