Well achieving Moksha is basically trying to get out of the cycle of reincarnation, rebirth in a different form.
don't take my word for it though i've forgotten everything learned in school
An example of a theory is Evolution, we don't really know 100% how we came to be as we are now, but we do know that 1+1=2 as a fact, same with gravity, we Know it exists because it's what ties us to earth and we can "feel" it, but not Evolution, Evolution is a theory, just like the BingBang
The core of the tradition holds that in 458 Cincinnatus was appointed dictator of Rome in order to rescue a consular army that was surrounded by the Aequi on Mount Algidus. At the time of his appointment he was working a small farm. He is said to have defeated the enemy in a single day and celebrated a triumph in Rome.