Charlemagne or also anmed as Charles the Great (2 April 742 – 28 January 814) was proclamied the new “emperor of the Romans” by pope Leo lll in the year 800. Pope Leo III crowned this Frankish king in the year 800 and amde him the most powerfull ruler of his time.
is supposed to keep the government small and keep the government from violating our god-given rights keep us free from invasions and allow the citizens of each state to participate in government. what it is supposed to do for the state is coordinate them facilitate inteaction among them make sure each date is treated fairly and give each state a voice in the federal government unfortunately since the Constitution is not following very well these days to a great degree those in government are allowing it to do its job that's why we are in such a mess in Washington
Even though the devastation caused by the atomic bomb was tremendous, and had killed hundreds of thousands of Japanese citizens, the Emperor refused to back down. Surrender in the Japanese culture is shunned very harshly as it made one cowardly.
European powers provided support both military and technological wise to countries that are fighting the Islamic expansion
hope this helps