I agree
I agree because, life is full of struggles. We try our best and get knocked down all the time. No matter what we as people keep going. So yes it is like an examination because no matter how hard it is we keep going and finnaly we pass.
u can say how robots are seemingly taking over our world and this is our one and only world; humans created these robots yet these robots are gonna soon take over our places in society ------ soon we'll be worthless while the robots become priceless to mother earth; our past actions to make the world a better one will all be futile as we have no longer any stand in the world with the existence of robots.
hope this helps:))
good luck for your exam too:)) u can do it
unfriendly and showing that you do not approve of someone or something. Example
Alex's mother gave him a frosty look.
Beowulf's greatest enemy is no monster but himself and his pride, or hubris. It is his greatest weakness which results in his death. It is predicted or foreshadowed throughout the entire story. Begining with the stories of his youth and then his private conversations with Hrothgar in Heorot. His avarice and obsession for the attention of his friends are the result of his pride, not separate characterstics.