Answer:Unstructured decisions
Explanation:Unstructured decisions: These are decision that have no structure in terms of how you go about in making a decision , they only need you to make judgement , evaluate the situation and engage your own insight in terms of term of how you can resolve the issue.
They don't come in the same form so you deal with something new that you haven't encountered before and where there are no predetermined structures or set of ordered responses.
It was used by the Catholic Church and in academic settings.
Latin was for 20 centuries the official language of the Church. Academic writing and research was published in Latin. Masses were said in Latin, despite the fact that only the clergy and the best educated people (very few people during the Middle Ages) were the only ones who could speak and understand it. It was only in the second half of the 20th century that the Roman Catholic Church authorized masses in the local and national languages of each country.
I hope I can help you :)
sociocultural-graded influences
when social and cultural factors affect an individual at a particular time and include such variable as ethnicity, social class, and subcultural membership, these factors are called sociocultural-graded influences
Hello! Dilation is one of three periods in which labor is divided. The woman begins to feel contractions, and the process ends when the dilation reaches 9-10 centimeters and the baby appears outside (what doctors call "crown"). That is when the expulsion period begins.
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if you use goods produced in your own country, these goods need less transport. less transport means lower cost and lower burden on the environment.