In the Metamorphosis, Kafka makes it evident that Gregor endures a hellish existence as a bug. He works hard all the time, doesn't really have any kind of life, besides providing for his family and being very depressed, so when he is turned into a cockroach, his whole life turns upside down.
Shakespeare uses Supernatural elements
This is a past participle, so the correct answer is B.
Past would be: rode.
Present participle would be: riding.
Present would be: ride/rides.
<span>“You’ll find this game worth playing,” the general said enthusiastically. “Your brain against mine. Your woodcraft against mine. Your strength and stamina against mine. Outdoor chess!”
There are many conflicts in this story, but this represents the central conflict of Zaroff hunting Rainsford. In this quote Zaroff is describing the "game" which becomes the man versus man conflict. </span>