paper currency is the answer
Answer is Problems remembering things
Reason - lower testosterone levels contribute to affected memory.
- Back stage.
As per the given description, Amanda would be considered in the 'backstage' as per Erving Goffman, the famous social psychologist. He described 'backstage' behavior as the behavior when there's no audience available to judge their behavior and individuals are completely liberated to reflect their 'true selves' without any kind of inhibition. Therefore, <u>the 'informal chat' and discussion about the new clients between the secretary and Amanda reflect that she(Amanda) is in 'backstage' as she is not inhibiting her 'true self' without any restriction and not 'casting off' anything.</u>
Answer and Explanation:
Our society is evolving on technological issues through the development of various devices that will improve human activities. In addition, society is evolving on scientific issues, where new things are being discovered, which will improve the diet and health of the population. Nevertheless, society is evolving in the debate about social causes, in the adoption of more healthy and progressive lifestyles and it is evolving in political and humanitarian management, even if this evolution is slow.
turks are a collection ethnic group Turkic peoples through language shift, acculturation, conquest, intermixing, adoption and religious conversion. Nevertheless, certain Turkic peoples share, to varying degrees, non-linguistic characteristics like cultural traits, ancestry from a common gene pool, and historical experiences.