There were major differences between the Fedarilst Party and the Democratic-Republican. The first one claimed for keeping the tie with Britain, expressed in the Jay Treaty, a treaty of friendship between the United States and Britain, having a strong government and supported the major measures regardinng tariff and other fiscal items. On the other hand, the Republican-Democrat party set a strong opposition to this views, intending to rule on behalf of American soverignty.
Since liberty was achieved for the reasons exposed on the the Declaration of Independence, and certainly, a new nation had been born, one could in the 1800s invite a friend to form a strong nation but on the exercise of the freedom achieved thru a lenghty and painful process, on behalf of the self determination and the will of pursuing happiness, not keeping questionable ties with an empire interested in no other thing than centralizing the wealth for the crown and using terror to subdue the colonies, that´s why the invitation to a friend would be to join the Democratic-Republican party.
Democrats favored expansion in order to increase their power in Congress and expand slavery; Whigs opposed expansion because they feared losing power in Congress.