Was there a book there a book or a passage that you read cause we can't give a strait up answer if we don't know the the thing to read...
can come as a surprise, then, to see that its full title is The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies. It was called that because the rebellion was what the people who actually fought the war, especially but not only on the Union side, were most likely to call it.
have a nice day hoped it helped
<span>A Crown colony, also known in the 17th century as royal colony, was a type of colonial administration of the British overseas territories. Crown, or royal, colonies were ruled by a governor appointed by the monarch. </span>A colony under the direct control of the English monarch is the answer.
One ok Rock - Eye of the storm
A-ha - Hunting High and Low
Evanescence - Fallen
Day6 - Shoot me
As was asked in the question above, a list of four bands was made, featuring the title of one of their albums. Bands of different nationalities were chosen to promote greater diversification in the list, although all of them can be grouped in the pop / rock genre.