Question 1 with 1 blankLos baños árabes del Medina Mayrit se encuentran a corta distancia de , en pleno centro de Madrid. Questi
on 2 with 1 blankMedina Mayrit es el nombre árabe original del lugar que hoy se conoce como . Question 3 with 1 blankEl Medina Mayrit ofrece tres con aguas a diferentes temperaturas. Question 4 with 1 blankEn la sala de descanso puedes beber té, respirar aromas singulares y . Question 5 with 1 blankEn , o salón de té, sirven una enorme variedad de tés, infusiones y batidos. Question 6 with 1 blankEn la cocina del restaurante del Medina Mayrit se mezclan las culturas árabe, judía y .
Answer: The Arab baths of the Medina Mayrit are located a short distance from, in the heart of Madrid. Question 2 with 1 blankMedina Mayrit is the original Arabic name for the place known today as. Question 3 with 1 blankThe Medina Mayrit offers three with waters at different temperatures. Question 4 with 1 blank In the break room you can drink tea, breathe unique aromas and. Question 5 with 1 blankEn, or tea room, they serve a huge variety of teas, teas and smoothies. Question 6 with 1 blankIn the kitchen of the Medina Mayrit restaurant, Arab, Jewish and cultures are mixed.