Answer: Because the city was experiencing dangerously low temperatures, officials warned residents to stay inside.
congrats ಥ‿ಥ...........................
Answer is A. It develops a shocking and horrifying image of the narrator's experience followed by his attempts to forget what happens.
As the journey goes on, the narrator describes the places he visits as really obscure and sinister, places where he does not want to be. Time drags and every place looks the same, so he unconsciously wants this images to slip out of his memory.
the novel _The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy_ by Douglas Adams, there exists
a scene where Jeltz communicates to the hitchhikers something over the intercom
system. The message that Jeltz tells the
hitchhikers over the intercom system is that the hitchhikers are actually not
welcomed there.</span>
Just use a thing you really liked that happened to you like You won something or you meet some or you went to a place.