It means he is in sync with nature, he can feel the life al around him.
<u>- ied:</u> cry, enjoy, bury, marry
<u>-ed only</u>: label, wait, stay, explain, fail, prefer
<u>- d only:</u> care, like, agree, use
<u>double consonant +- ed
</u>: stop, jog, clap, hop
We form regular Past Simple verb forms by adding the termination <em>-ed </em>to the infinitive of the verb.
e.g. wait, stay, explain
However, there are some exceptions, as the result of the spelling rules.
If the verb ends in <em>-e</em>, we will add the termination <em>-d</em>:
e.g. care, like, use
If the verb ends in a vowel and a consonant, we double the consonant before <em>-ed</em>:
eg. stop, clap, hop
If the verb ends in consonant and <em>-y</em>, we take off the y and add <em>-ied</em>.
e.g. cry, enjoy, marry
Outlines help in writing an essay for an exam by providing a guideline or short summary of the important details. It will be easier to remember the contents when presented in this manner as they are highlighted. Discussion is also well-organized and in proper order.
Carry around pepper spray and an alarm
The characters in the Hunger Games that rebelled against the government were being killed for what they were doing and very few people wanted to side with them because they knew it was against the law. The characters stuck to the plan, though. They rebelled and disobeyed and fought the authorities. In the end, they won and were able to defeat the bad government in order to progress into a better country. Rebellion comes a great cost. Hundreds of people died on both sides in order for the bad situation to be made better. The country became great and a happy, equal place because a single group had the courage to break the law in hope for a better life.
People need to question their authorities because they aren’t always right. If people let government, authorities, or any leader have total say and control then it becomes a dictatorship. People question the laws and the authority and it makes people reconsider what they have always known to be true. If someone can hear another side, they can consider that side and maybe change their mind. There are two sides to every story and sometimes it only takes the acknowledgement of the other side for people to see the wrongness of the current system. Once the other side is recognized, two sides can talk about it and come to a better, middle-road decision. If the government refuses to come to a compromise or is unwilling to listen, people have every right to fight. Even in the Bible, Christians are given the ability and responsibility to revolt against a government that goes against God’s will. It’s the responsibility of the people to make sure we are doing God’s will and pleasing Him in the world. For the good of society, people have to stand up for what they believe is right so that others can chose what they believe and, if they are inclined, they can fight, too. It’s up to the people to fight for what’s right and, in doing so, promote a better place to live in. So i see rebellion as a useful trait in this situations.