Pick out the main parts of the story in different places and say something in your own words. Hope this helps :)
<u>Once a fortnight when in town for business</u>
I hope this helps
What is ur question if ur question is does he mean jiang and the villagers then ya
The answer is d) 2 year college or junior college
When you say "Which ... ", are you saying "Here's a list of choices.
Please select your answer from the list." ?
If so, then there's something definitely missing here.
And since my answer is not restricted to the list of choices you provided,
I get to pick any line of poetry I want to.
<em>to BE or NOT to BE that IS the QUES</em> tion.
This is iambic pentameter.
(The "-tion" kind of hangs off at the end, but hey ! It's Shakespeare.
Wotta ya gonna do. You can't tell him anything.)