The work has several instances of Winston's curiosity and desire for the past. In light of Oceania's control of the present via modifying its history, Winston's fixation with the past makes sense. Winston often reminisces about his youth, particularly about his mother and younger sister, throughout the book.
Please use your words to avoid plagiarism. :)
Answer: Low Bridges and Overpasses
Heavy duty trucks( usually 80,000-pound and more) may not be safe If the bridge is small or old it may have a reduced weight limit. Bridges and overpasses often have little-to-no shoulder space for an 18-wheeler to pullover
1. Science fiction <u>fascinates</u> me. action verb
2. Space movies <u>are</u> the best. linking verb
3. The special effects <u>are </u>awesome! linking verb
4. The captain <u>vanishes.
</u><u> </u>action verb
5. We<u> find </u>him on a planet. action
6. His ship<u> flashes</u> past the stars. action verb
Here is the list: Be, am, is, are, was, were, has been, any other form of the verb “be”, become, and seem. There are other verbs that can be both linking verbs and action verbs. All of the sense verbs; look, smell, touch, appear, sound, taste, and feel can be linking verbs.
In his 1988 short story “The Seventh Man,” Murakami's narrator is a man damaged by the childhood memory of watching his best friend sucked away by a killer wave, the furious sea retreating, he wrote, as if “a gigantic rug had been yanked by someone at the other end of the earth.” A stream of fiction has come from
Explanation: tryna help
<em>Where</em><em> </em><em>was</em><em> </em><em>football</em><em> </em><em>played</em><em> </em><em>by</em><em> </em><em>them</em><em>?</em>