Many Southeast tribes raised crops and lived in villages. These tribes suffered greatly as the United States government took more and more land. Nomadic tribes suffered as well. They had to leave the rivers, forests, and mountains and move to a very different topography.
- Women's Suffrage Movement : was to attain women voting rights.
- Young, educated women : interested to read about the movement.
- Presentation tailored to audience, based on their profile characteristics, so the type of audience will influence essay.
- Audience Message : Create awareness & value of the women freedom attained, empower them to create a better world through it
Women's Suffrage Movement was a women's struggle to attain legal right to vote (in national / local elections) , to run office. Women of US & Britain were prominent participants in this movement of mid 19th century. ICW (International council of Women), IWSA (International Women Suffrage Alliance) have been important international women organisations working for the movement. The movement had many significant leaders like Elizabeth Candy Stanton, Lucretia Mott . It achieved women's right to vote in national elections in Australia, Finland, Norway & local elections voting rights in some areas of US, Sweden ; by early 20th century.
Young educated women would be most interested in reading about such kind of women's movement, as they are potential people aware & probable enhance women empowerment. I would tailor such a presentation, customised as profile characteristics of my audience. So, type of audience in that way influences information included in the historical analysis essay. Eg : It would be explained more technically ; if my audience is youth, educated. It would be explained in a simple layman way ; if my audience is old age , less educated. And, using their suitable language is also an example. Appropriate message would be to make them more aware about the importance of the freedom they enjoy, struggle suffered to get it. So, ultimate message would be to value it & create a better world for themselves, people around them.
All men have a right to remain in a state of nature as long as they please; and in case such conditions and previous limitations as form an equitable original compact. Hence, as a private man has a right to say what wages he will give in his. All persons born in the British American Colonies are, by the laws of God.
The Colonies became loyal to Massachuessets
But for Lincoln’s death, there might have been some postwar investigations of the profiteers who supplied the Union Army with lousy war materiel. Soldiers in the field complained about leaky boots, spoiled meat, and biscuits that, when unpacked from their barrels, were crawling with maggots.
Again, but for his death, the biggest scandal of Lincoln’s career might have been the Sultana disaster.
Lincoln’s role in the explosion and sinking of the Sultana: the ship was dangerously overcrowded because Lt. Col. Reuben Hatch, quartermaster at Vicksburg, was taking kickbacks to cram as many Union soldiers as possible aboard it. Hatch already had a record of corruption when he was appointed quartermaster at Vicksburg—by none other than Lincoln. Some historians believe that Lincoln did so as a favor to Ozias Hatch, an old friend and political ally from Illinois and Reuben’s father.
But because the Sultana disaster happened so soon after Lincoln’s assassination, Congress had other priorities and little stomach for an investigation which might sully the memory of the martyred president. Besides, even if Reuben Hatch had been found responsible, he had already left the Army as quickly as possible after the disaster. So there was no possibility of his being court-martialed, and civilian courts had no jurisdiction.