The Sender Message Channel Receiver (SMCR) model of communication was developed and created by David Berlo in 1960. SCMR was developed from the Shannon-Weaver model of communication of 1949.
The SCMR model of communication comprises of four (4) main components and these are;
1. Sender (S): this is typically the source of information (message) or the originator of a message that is being sent to a receiver. Thus, they are simply the producer of a message.
2. Channel (C): this is the medium used by the sender for the dissemination or transmission of the message to the recipient. For example, telephone, television, radio, newspapers, billboards etc.
3. Message (M): this is the information or data that is being sent to a recipient by a sender. It could be in the form of a video, audio, text message etc.
4. Receiver (R): this is typically the destination of information (message) or the recipient of a message that is being sent from a sender.
Hence, in the Sender Message Channel Receiver (SMCR) model, the sender is the large, bureaucratic organization that produces messages.
Additionally, encoding is the process of transmitting the message from the sender to the recipient while decoding is the process of interpreting the message that is being received from a sender.