1 – <span>Jesus Christ is the Only Way to Eternal Salvation With God the Father
2- <span>We Are Saved by Grace Through Faith – Not by Works
3 –Jesus Christ is the Son of God 4- <span>The Incarnation of Jesus Christ
5 – <span>The Bodily Resurrection of Jesus Christ From the Grave
6 –The Ascension of Jesus Christ 7 –<span>The Doctrine of the Trinity
8 – <span>The Holy Bible is the Inspired and Infallible Word of God
9 – <span>We Are Baptized With the Holy Spirit at the Moment of Salvation
10 – Regeneration by the Holy Spirit 11 – <span>The Doctrine of Hell
12 – <span>The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ Back to our Earth</span>
B. the sinking of an American passenger ship
Great Britain had sunk an American passenger ship in an attempt to cut off supply lines to the rebellion
The Intercoastal Highway in South America is a highway that connects the western and the eastern coast of the continent, running through the countries of Peru and Brazil. The big positive of this highway is that it is connecting the eastern and western part of the continent, enabling for easier transportation of goods, and easier movement of people, which is of great economic benefit for everyone involved. On the other hand, there are also negatives, with the two biggest being the destruction of lot of tropical rainforest, and deaths of animals. In order for this highway to be built, enormous amount of trees and other vegetation have been cut down, which is always a problem. Also, the wild animals are not used to a highway running through their habitat, so they do not know how to react, very often being run over by the vehicles passing through.