Answer: Answer in file below hope this will help!!!!!
In connections academy there is a textbook it should explain everything in the book
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The correct answer is - c. exportation of tobacco.
The Southern colonies got very wealthy because of the production and exportation of tobacco. These colonies were situated on a place where the tobacco was flourishing and they used it to the maximum. The tobacco itself became very popular in Europe after it was introduced, and the demand for it was enormous, which gave the Southern colonies reliable and sure market with high demand that made them a lot of profit.
The Philippine campaign showed Japan's aggressiveness and perseverance towards battles.
The Philippine campaign showed that the Japanese government, even at a disadvantage, would not so easily win the victory of its enemies of war. This is because the Japanese army has shown itself to be aggressive and persevering in its fight against American forces, even if defeat was almost guaranteed. This showed that Japanese soldiers saw the battlefield as something that represented their honor, for this reason, they would rather die fighting than surrender to the enemy army.