Geography is the studies of maps and countries. To study Geography I think it can help you when you travel and if you want to be a pilot. One example of things I might study as a Geographer is the people that live there and their culture. Another Example is the lands conditions and the environment.
In this question, we are not provided with the image of the dinosaur track. Because of this, we are unable to tell whether this specific track is right-side up or upside-down. However, we can give you some guidance so that you can identify this on your own.
In general, in this type of prints, mud cracks extend downward into soft sediment. These cracks mean that when more sediment is washed in, the second layer fills the cracks beneath. Afterwards, once the layers have hardened, the rock may be cracked apart. Based on this, we can conclude that if you see troughs in a mud-crack pattern, you re looking at the second layer, which was originally right-side up.
density is in fact commonly expressed in units of grams per cubic centimetre. well think about it if we all were just a bunch of density how would it effect our health and society? well let me explain, density is also something in grams or per cubic, density can have good effects and bad effects, im not really sure the answer im trying to help but if i must say if density had a good effect there wouldn't need any worries but density can have bad side effects to everything
hope that kinda helped for ur answer...?…