I'm nobody! Who are you? by Emily Dickinson
I'm Nobody! Who are you?
Are you – Nobody – too?
Then there's a pair of us!
Don't tell! they'd advertise – you know!
How dreary – to be – Somebody!
How public – like a Frog –
To tell one's name – the livelong June –
To an admiring Bog!
The poem stands out by using exclamations marks. As if she is trying to get her point across. She also uses the dashes to make It emphasizes ideas, It indicates missing words or phrases, It replaces commas or periods.
The author uses the word ''Nobody'' which would mean invisable, not poular, lonely. She also uses the word ''Somebody'' meaning popular, visable, liked.
The poems meaing is she would rather be a nobody than a somebody because she thinks it would be dull or bleck. she compares ''somebody'' to a frog meaning ''a somebody'' grabs your attencion without earning it. She also compares society to a bog meaning that the praise society offers to a ''somebody'' is worthless
(b) and (e)
as these options show video games as a form of information and as a means to spread awareness about different issues.
2.a What does Ricky do every day?
b. Who watches TV everyday?
Dante was an Italian poet and philosopher in the Medieval period.
The most famous works of Dante Alighieri was "The Divine comedy". It made a remarkable impression in literature and theology.
Dante Alighieri was born in '1265' to a family who was involved in the complex Florentine political scene. His mother died in his early childhood.
His marriage was arranged with a family friend, Gemma Donati when he was only tweleve years old. But Dante loved Beatrice Portinari. She had a great influence on his life. She is the backbone of his famous work “Divine Comedy”. Beatrice was a love at first sight for Dante when he was nine years old, but his love was never reciprocated by her. She died in 1290 unexpectedly. She was a major inspiration of major works by Dante.
By 1295, he got completely involved in political causes. He was elected to the City Council and was a member of Guelph political party. Florence had two major political parties at that time: Guelphs and Ghibellines.
When reading a play it is easier to imagine what's happening on stage if the stage directions there. We can picture how the actors are looking and what they're doing. And if you are acting in the play itself then it gives you information for what your character does next whether its 'exit stage left' or 'enter stage right' for example.