In writing this headline I would suggest focusing on the perspective of each party based upon their political views. A colonial patriot would support this action and applaud the revolutionary method of protest. However, a loyalist would consider this act treasonous and would not support it.
Historians use primary sources like diaries, letters, speeches. And secondary sources like articles.
Lemme get the answer options...
There were several different restrictions placed on blacks due to the Jim Crow laws. The following are just a couple examples.
1) Poll taxes- This was a certain amount of money an individual would have to pay in order to vote. This negatively effected African-Americans, as many of them could not afford this tax.
2) Literacy tests- These were written tests that individuals had to pass in order to vote. These were extremely difficult to do well on, due to the wording of the question or the time given to complete the test. This targeted African-Americans, as many of them had no formal schooling as of this time period.
3) Segregated public facilities- Everything from public schools to public pools were segregated in order to keep blacks and whites away from each other.