-Fold: bend in the rock strata
-Joint: a break of natural origin
-Fault: a crack in the Earth’s crust
-Syncline: forms when rocks are compressed
-Anticline: arch-shaped fold, oldest beds are at core
Answer: A and I think D or F choose f and a
Because of the fertile plains of the Danube River.
Slovakia and Czechia (formerly the Czech Republic) despite being part of a single country until three decades ago, and being neighbors with very close ties, have developed differently and their economies have a lot of differences. One of the biggest differences is that Slovakia has a highly developed agricultural sector while Czechia's is very small and doesn't contribute much to the economy.
s The reason for this difference is geography. Slovakia has a relatively large and very fertile plain, with the Danube River being a big plus in it. This provides Slovakia with enough area and very good conditions so that it can have a prosperous agricultural sector. Czechia, on the other hand, is almost entirely covered with mountains and hills, and the little area of the handfull of valleys is mostly urbanized, thus the country doesn't have what it needs to develop the agricultural sector.
This is the third stage of genocide.
After vilifying the Armenian population, portraying it as dangerous, cunning, wanting to damage the country, etc., the third stage was on. With the general public convinced that the Armenians are no good for the country and plan to damage and destory it, there was no opposition to strip them of their rights, instead, there was a big support for such actions.
In order to take away everything from the Armenians when it came to possessions and wealth, as well as destroying their businesses, and stripping them of their human rights, the government planned to weaken the Armenian population. Once the population was poor, hungry, without any institutional rights, they were going to be an easy target, both for the angry Turkish public and the Turkish military.
the answer would be E precipitation.
cause precipitation is water released from clouds in the form of rain, freezing rain, sleet, snow, or hail. It is the primary connection in the water cycle that provides for the delivery of atmospheric water to the earth so therefore your answer would be E.