明天將是晴天,溫度將在零下3度左右。”和“今天多雲,溫度在60度到70度之間 or
Míngtiān jiāng shì qíngtiān, wēndù jiàng zài língxià 3 dù zuǒyòu.” Hé “jīntiān duōyún, wēndù zài 60 dù dào 70 dù zhī jiān. ”

a and b
some predators are dogs and coyotes; other predators such as birds of prey, bobcats and foxes can be a problem in some areas. The primary predator that most people are concerned about are coyotes and dogs. Goats will eat hay, grasses, weeds, grain, and sometimes even tree bark
Opino lo mismo pero te zarpaste con eso de que la milanesa de carne es mejor que la milanesa de pollo eso no se hace
I was raised to respect everyone until proven they didn't deserve it, and to expect the same.
I would say being a decent human being (whatever that means to you) and age come with respect. Peoole can argue about the age aspect, but I was taught to respect my elder although it can be hard.