Why did Chinese limit trade with foreigners to the Port of Canton? so that it could be easier to collect taxes on imported goods & wanted to regulate trade.
Poseidon in Greek Mythology, is one of the son of Chronos, along with Zeus, the Thunder God and the God of Olympus, Hades the God of Underworld. Poseidon is the God of the Sea and his son's has 5 offspring that is linked to him genealogical references and most of them are emphasize their rough and brutal nature. The offspring with just one example because there are many of them are. Divine Offpsring(ASOPOS), Nymphe Offspring(AITHOUSA), Giant Offspring (Antaios), Animal Offspring (PEGASUS) and the Mortal Offspring (AGENOR)
The 'mother country' to Brewster and Robinson was, of course, England and that was generally what was meant when the phrase came into use in the USA. They didn't coin the phrase themselves but probably read it in the works of a prominent Puritan of the day - Arthur Golding.